Graduate Profile TI Graduate Profile Informatics Program Study Vision To become a superior study program in producing professional graduates in software development and computer networks who are able to compete globally by 2025. Mission 1. Organizing education that prepares students to become human resources which is competitive in technological developments in the fields of websites, mobile apps, computer networks, with a concentration in applied computing and intelligent systems.2. Providing experience to students in developing software projects and computer networks that are validated by industry.3. Producing graduates who have good soft skill competencies including: team work, problem solving, creativity, agile thinking, technopreneur and attitude.4. Organizing outcome-based project-based education with a global perspective through the Global Workplace English Program (GWEP).5. Producing innovation through research on a national and international scale.6. Applying appropriate technology to improve the quality of life of the community through community service programs.7. Establishing collaboration with national industrial partners, international industry, government, universities and learning partners. Graduate Profile Graphic Designer This profession creates illustrations, typography, photography, or motion graphics for both publishers and print and electronic media. UI/UX Designer This profession is responsible for understanding user needs and preferences so that it can create solutions that accommodate user goals and expectations. Software App. Developer This profession builds and creates application products, both websites, desktop and mobile, using certain programming languages. DevOps Engineer Professions in the world of IT (especially in the field of application development) who have a deep understanding of the software development life cycle Data Scientist A profession that manages the data obtained, to develop company infrastructure that can help decision making. Network Administrator Professionals in the IT field who play an important role in managing company networks.