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Welcome to Faculty Information and Computer Technology

This website aims to provide information for stakeholders regarding academic information, campus facilities, research development and innovation as well as campus life at Horizon University Indonesia.

We hope to be able to produce graduates who have global competitiveness and are able to create a culture of research and innovation that is useful in improving the quality of life of society. Furthermore, it is able to contribute to national economic development. Horizon University Indonesia also has a commitment to providing quality educational services.

This website was created to provide information for prospective students, students and parents regarding academic information, campus facilities, and campus life at FICT Horizon University. Hopefully this website can be a useful means of information and can bridge all levels of society with the FICT Horizon University Educational Institution

We are united in our mission to solve real-world problems for a better tomorrow.

Why Choose Faculty Information and Computer Technology

Horizon University Indonesia


Faculty Information and Computer Technology Horizon University Indonesia

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Amanda Agustina
Student Program Information System
“When studying Business Web Solution, I felt very satisfied with the material taught. The materials provided are very relevant to today's online business needs. Especially the lecturers who are very experienced and responsive to our questions. I feel more confident in developing web solutions for the business that I will build after taking this course."
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Indri Kurnia Dewi
Student Program Information System
"During the Business Web Solution course, Alhamdulillah, I learned a lot, especially how to create a website using WordPress for a web business, I also became more knowledgeable about the world of hosting and domains, but from this course/this project I know how to do it, not to mention WordPress templates which sometimes doesn't sync or makes mistakes, learn to be patient, learn to be creative, but actually the experience adds to my knowledge, lecturer also makes me even more motivated."