Research Focus – Data Analyst

Publikasi Fokus Data Analyst & Artificial Intelligence

Berikut adalah daftar publikasi FICT fokus pada topik Data Analyst dan Artificial Intelligence :

Indexing Judul Link
SINTA 3 Analisis Prediksi Level Obesitas Menggunakan Perbandingan Algoritma Machine Learning dan Deep Learning
Lila Setiyani , JTERA : Jurnal Teknologi Rekayasa, Vol 8 Issue 1, 2023
SINTA 2 Defending Your Mobile Fortress: An In-Depth Look at on-Device Trojan Detection in Machine Learning: Systematic Literature Review
Lila Setiyani , Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, Vol 9 Issue 7, 2023
SINTA 2 Increasing the Effectiveness of Higher Education Academic Services Through the Implementation of the Chatbot Platform Using the SVM Machine Learning Algorithm
Lila Setiyani, Jurnal Pedagogi dan Pembelajaran, Vol 6 Issue 2, 2023
SINTA 2 Arabica Coffee Price Prediction Using the Long Short Term Memory Network (LSTM) Algorithm
Lila Setiyani, Scientific Journal of Informatics, Vol 10 Issue 3, 2023